
Podcasters "Do it For You" Package

Reference: POINTS

Price: US$1,995.00

*Requires at least Podcasters Platform membership.

What's Included:

The setup and implementation package includes the following components:

  • 60-Minute Strategy Online Call
  • 60-Minute Design Online Call
  • 60 Minute Revenue Online Call (if applicable package selected)
  • Top Logo and Menu Bar Design
  • Public Podcast Show Page Design including show banner
  • Public Podcast Episode Pages Design
  • About Us Page  
  • Contact Us Page
  • Podcast Back End Functions and settings to launch the podcast
  • Access to other modules depends on the platform hosting level.
  • Additional Podcast Training Courses and Resources.
  • Guest Podcasting Workflow.
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*Requires at least Podcasters Platform membership.

What's Included:

The setup and implementation package includes the following components:

  • 60 Minute Strategy Online Call
  • 60 Minute Design Online Call
  • 60 Minute Revenue Online Call  
  • Top Logo and Menu Bar Design
  • Public Podcast Show Page Design including show banner
  • Public Podcast Episode Pages Design
  • About Us Page  
  • Contact Us Page
  • Podcast Back End Functions and settings to launch the podcast
  • Access to other modules depending on the platform hosting level.
  • Additional Podcast Training Courses and Resources.
  • Podcast Distribution Setup 
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